Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

There's Laughter in the Air!
Ian is starting to giggle, smile and generally have a lot of fun! We've seen a lot of change in him this week and he is becoming so much more interactive. He is starting to lift his head a lot more now, with his neck strength becoming apparent though he is still "Mr. Wobbly-Head" though but none-the-less he is beginning to show his independence. Ian also met his Grandad (Bob) on the web-cam today for the first time. It's amazing what technology can do!
Happy Memorial Day everyone (and Happy Bank Holiday to the folks back home!)

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Fun in 'Frisco!
Ian's first airplane trip was a successful one. Like his parents, he clearly enjoys travel and the flight to San Francisco and back can only be considered a major success. He slept both ways and never blinked and eyelid on either take-off or landing. Yippee! The objective of the trip was mostly shopping so we hung out in the Union Square area but also headed to North Beach for dinner in the Italian district and then onto Pier 39 to 'peer' across to Alcatraz, which is in the background of our main picture, above. Ian is now traveling around in his 'baby bjorn' though his head is still below the top of it so all you can see are his arms and legs dangling out the sides. It is way too cute and prompts remarks from passers-by who see his tiny form fast asleep and oblivious to the noisy world around him. In Tiffany's (the jewelry store) Ian decided it was time to eat, so he let rip with a cry of hunger. Clearly caught short, Mom was saved any need to act quickly as the Manager of the flagship store stepped in and invited us into the company board room (no less) where we were told to take as long as we needed to to feed our hungry little man! Ian took his bottle among the oak paneled splendor and gorgeous flowers their board room has. Of course Dad never got out of the store without buying some 'bling' - you can see Ian clasping one of their famous blue bags in the photo's. We also got to go on a cable car, wandered around the expensive boutique stores, took in lunch and cocktails here and there and enjoyed a wonderful weekend away, this our first family trip away together. Clearly not long enough time was spent there, but enough to get a taste to want to go back. And we will!

Friday, May 19, 2006

On Vacation!
Ian has taken his Mom and Dad to San Francisco for a long weekend. He lured them there with the promise of lots of shopping for Mommy. I hope he has enough of his allowance left to pay for everything she buys!!
Pictures and stories from California on Sunday night!

Saturday, May 13, 2006

We've got an 8-pounder!!
Ian weighed in at 8lbs 4 oz yesterday. We were amazed. We knew he'd put on weight but not quite that much - but then again he's growing out of his early 'preemie' clothes very quickly these days. Ian's visit to the Pedeatrician was a very good one. Apart from his weight check-up he was giving a clean bill of health and we were told he is doing exceptionally well. Auntie Olive (Barbara's sister) visited this week. The girls took Ian shopping and bought him some sunglasses. Now doesn't he look cute?!!!!!!

Saturday, May 06, 2006

May is Here!
It's been a beautifully sunny week and Ian has enjoyed a lot of outdoor time and social interaction. Daddy was away on business for a few days (and noticed 'significant' growth in Ian when he returned!). Ian's socializing included Friday night at the 'Merc' with the neighbors as well as Jen's going away party at lunchtime ("Good Luck", Jen!) and Hunter's first birthday party. Wow, Ian's met a lot of people this week!! And next week, Aunty Olive comes to visit! Ian will spend much of next week figuring out what to get his Mom for Mother's Day.