Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Saturday, October 28, 2006

I'm on my way to see my Boy!
After three long weeks I am finally off to catch up with Ian and Barbara in Ireland, before heading onto England. They do say abscence makes the heart grow fonder and I can certainly endorse that statement now. I've missed them both immensely and cannot wait to see them and to see how much Ian has grown!

Our next Blog posting will not be until Tuesday November 7th and it will be a special feature of Ian's Christening events. Since I am simply out of photo's of our little Blog Superstar, I have posted a photo of the mystery 'piggy bank'. Ian received this wonderful gift several weeks ago in the mail. It is engraved with his name and is nearly full of money now too. What we don't know is who it came from since the box had no traceable return address ror did it contain a note or card. So whoever sent it, a big 'Thank You' - and please let us know who you are!

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Enjoying Ireland!
Ian has been in Ireland a week now. He became quite the celebrity at a hotel Barbara and her folks stayed at with Frank and Ian getting to know practically everybody there! Ian now seems to have overcome the time change and is sleeping blissfully again. His latest trick is that Ian can now perform a roll-over! He finds it quite amusing when he does this. Now we have figured that it is only a matter of time before he starts to crawl. Uh oh!! Since Dad is still in the US (and missing his little boy!) we show an archived photo of Ian from three weeks ago. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Grandad, Dad and Me!
Three generations together! The 'blokes' are seen here sitting on the doorstep on Grandad's last Saturday in town. What a great time we all had. Ian and Mom then set off to Dublin on Wednesday, accompanied by Dad and Sue. Both sets of flights home went well and Ian enjoyed his first transatlantic trip in relative style, with Mom getting a whole row to herself so they could both stretch out and get some sleep. As of today, Ian has made the transition to the Irish time zone (plus 7 hours) seemingly with ease and much to Mom's delight. Frank and Lily (Grandparents) are, of course, ecstatic to have their first grandchild staying with them. You'll have to wait a couple of weeks before we can post photo's of them with Ian, so stand by!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Ian Goes to Oregon!
This week Ian added another state to his already impressive list of those he has visited. Grandad, Sue and Mom and Dad spent a few days at the beautiful Sun River Resort in Bend, OR. Ian sported his fall colors, matching the golden sunshine we enjoyed too! On Sunday Ian attends his first Harvest Festival and will begin packing for his long trip to Ireland next week.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

The Pumpkins Are Here!
This week we introduced Ian to Pumpkins and he proceeded to try and eat them! We are enjoying such beautiful weather currently, which is more perfect since Grandad (Bob) and Sue arrived this week to meet Ian. As you can imagine, Ian has been getting lots of attention this week and for certain you'll see family photos next weekend!