Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

A Sunny Thanksgiving ....
This week we enjoyed a sunny and quiet Thanksgiving, giving Ian and Barbara a chance to hnag out the front of the house and watch the world go by. Ian loves spend time on his feet now. While he still can't stand up on his own he takes every opportunity to stand and when his feet get going, he's off! He has two teeth now that are clearly visible but no others have appeared as of yet. Ian weighed in at just over 14lbs last week, which places him nicely on the progress curve in line to catch his peers in some 10 - 18 months. Next week you'll see Ian dressing the Christmas tree, something we are sure he'll enjoy!

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Some photo's from Ireland!
We arrived home in the early hours of Tuesday morning after a 23 hour door-to-door trip home. Ian coped well with the jet lag and has since settled back into his normal routine and is sleeping 11 - 12 hours every night. This is quite remarkable really given the 7 hour time differance and how easily he seems to have transitioned back to his normal routine. How lucky we are!

We show some photo's from Ireland (taken 4 weeks ago) that we didn't get the chance to post while traveling. We see Ian with his Nanny Lily and Grandad Frank along with Aunt Valerie (who is also Ian's God Mother). Ian is seen at the Wineport lodge in central Ireland where we spent an awesome night out (this window was in our room!) and finally Ian getting his first taste of the finest drink on earth! Well he is Irish you know and needs to get acquainted with it sometime!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A Wonderful Week
Ian, Mom and Dad have spent a wonderful week in England. It's been a touch hectic getting round to seeing everybody, but we've enoyed every bit of it including a night away in London for Mom and Dad while Nanny baby-sat for Ian, this being the first time Ian has been apart from both parents simultaneously. Nanny clearly spolied him, so he didn't get the chance to suffer any separation anxiety! In this week's photo, we see Ian with his cousin George. We return to the US on Monday and next week will post many more photo's from Ian's month-long European vacation!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Ian Karl gets Christened!
On Sunday November 5th, Ian was baptised in Clondalkin, Ireland by Father Wall. A small family gathering and a private ceremony made for a great day for Ian to be the center of attention (again!). Ian was well behaved and only fussed a little towards the end as he grew a little impatient of the proceedings. He didn't mutter a word as he received the holy water and actually appeared to enjoy it! Our photo's show a few of the family, namely Aunt Karen (Steve's sister), Ian's Grandmother Lily and Aunt Valerie (Barbara's sister) and a photo of Father Wall all with Ian. And of course, a proud and happy Mom and Dad hold Ian after the cermony, Ian dressed in his white linens and basking in all the attention!