Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

To The Zoo!
We spent the morning at Bangkok's Dusit Zoo. This was Ian's first trip to a Zoo and he had a blast. He was impressed with the elephant's and giraffe's and less interested in the turtles and snakes. The Tigers were the highlight for Ian as he got up close and personal as you can see. Lot's of "oooh's" and "aaaaah's" coming from both Ian and Jessica, who accompanied us on our trip along with Mom (Fiona) who are staying for the weekend. We see Fi, Ian and Jessica in front of the elephants along with a shot of Mom giving Ian some elephant education.

Mom and Dad got to pose for a family photo looking across the lake in the Zoo, with one of Bangkok's Palace's just visible in the hazy distance.

It's November!
Where has all the time gone?! Well, Ian did have a fun time at his halloween party. We see him pictured here with some of his new friends. He dressed as a Red Sox player, honouring the all-conquering Red Sox 2007 World Series Champions (if you hadn't already heard!) who won the big prize only 2 days before. Ian spent the time running around as though he were running bases.
Daddy was naturally very proud of his boy.

We also see Ian in a quiet black & white pose. We captured this one on a board-walk while he was busy contemplating life. For once, Ian stopped running around, which as I am sure you all know makes the photo-taking so much easier!