Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

More visitors for Ian!
This week Neal visited with us from New Jersey and Ian got to hang out with Neal while Barbara got to attend to those important things in life (a visit to the hairdresser!). Thanks for helping out Neal but more importantly thanks for visiting. Ian has enjoyed his first full week of eating 'real' food, though he still takes most of his intake from his beloved bottle. In the mornings he grabs the bottle and thrusts it into his face. Well you'd be hungry too if you'd been in bed for 13 hours!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

"Food Glorious Food!"
Goodbye Formula, hello Cereal! Yes, Ian tasted his first 'solid' food this week and my, didn't he just chomp it down. Never was there any hesitation that he should chew (well, kind of mush it around in his mouth so to speak!). One of our photo's shows just the mess he made! He still makes up the balance of his intake with Formula, but he's defintely taken a big-boy step forward now. He's 13lbs as of his last weigh-in, so the new diet will certainly help Ian add to his weight gain goals.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

New York, New York!
Ian is now back in Idaho after his 8-day trip out east, taking in three states and 5 cities! This week he made it to the 'Big Apple' with Auntie Olive and Mommy and visited Wall Street and the famous Trump Tower. Of course, he was asleep for most of his sightseeing trip. Still, he got to hang out with Martha and her son, Brunel who also enjoyed nap time! Back in Connecticut, Ian got to play with Paige and share a giggle or two.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Ian enjoyed being pushed around in a play-stroller by Natasha. Doesn't he look comfy in his made-to-measure buggy?

Franchesca gets Ian giggling. Must have been all the ticklin'!!
Meanwhile, Steve gives Ian his fist swimming lesson in Jacqui and Michael's pool.

Three's a Crowd! Can you believe these little ones were all born within a week of each other! Ian is the oldest, with Jack (son of Jan and Gary) and Fiona (daughter to Mark and Jen) close behind. Steve, Mark and Jan have been friends now for many years. Who would have ever thought that we'd all become parents in the same week?!

Ian gets cuddles from Auntie Di from Maine and a hug from Ann!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ian Visits Beantown and New England
What a terrific weekend we've all had. Ian got to meet many of his east coast friends for the first time. Our photo selection shows a number of happy people who have been aching to get their hands on our little boy! And he loved every minute of it! Ian enjoyed the flights to Boston, though the current security situation did mean we boarded one flight without water and found ourselves held up at the runway for longer then we ever planned and unable to get any water for a rather hungry young man. Needless to say Ian let the entire flight know he was in dire need of food!!