Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Socatots Season Ends!
Ian has been going to Socatots on a Sunday, where he has been advancing his soccer skills. Today was the last day of the program until September, so we took along the camera. You'll see Ian with Daddy learning some balancing skills and Ian having some fun with his friend Thomas at the park afterwards. The part which most of the kids seem to enjoy the most is at the end of the session where their instructor, Bogi, gives out stickers - which is why we see all the kids huddled on the floor together looking serious!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

What better a place to be to steal a kiss from Mom than a 'sun-kissed' weekend in Pattaya? And to get to hang with Mom & Dad by the pool along with some friendly poolside waiters, one of whom we see Ian pictured with. Pattaya is a short 2 hour drive from Bangkok and we stayed at a hotel that overlooked the Gulf of Thailand with an incredible view to awake to. The sun shone for us all weekend despite the fact we are now well into the rainy season. We also see Ian playing in the pool with his friend Jasmine who came to visit us while we were there. What a great weekend we had!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ian Graduates!
As many of you know, this is Ian's first year at school and today he graduated with his class, the kids of Nursery Farm! Our photo show's Ian up on stage as he collected his certificate (Ian is in the middle, wearing his hat - as if you needed telling!). Meanwhile, Mom received Ian's first school report which we have great pleasure in re-producing for you below. It was written by ian's Teacher, Susan. Enjoy!

Self-Help Skills
Ian still needs help in some areas of the self-help skills but he will always attempt to take his shoes on and off. I am amazed at how well Ian can put his socks on. Ian will attempt to undress himself ready for swimming.

Gross Motor Skills
When balancing on the low beam in the activity room Ian, is a little nervous but he does attempt to cross it with help. I have recently observed that Ian is using the small climbing apparatus by himself.

Fine Motor Skills
Ian will attempt to hold a crayon and paint brush by himself but does need help and encouragement to stay on task.

Language Skills
Ian’s vocabulary has widened considerably this term and he is stringing 1-2 words together clearly. He can express himself extremely well in all situations.

Listening Skills
Ian will listen for short periods of time when we are reading stories and will follow and understand instructions with some encouragement.

Academic Skills
Ian has improved academically and will consistently match given shapes on our class shape wall. Ian will always repeat colours and he is currently working hard to count 1-5 in proper order.

Most Favorite Activities
Ian loves to swim but generally enjoys all of the activities on offer at school. He keeps himself busy by playing with a wide variety of toys and puzzles.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

Happy June!

To honour the England football match today in Trinidad, Ian and Dad both wore their England soccer shirts to 'Socatots', where Ian now plays on a Sunday morning. Socatots is a Brazilian-run soccer program for 2 and 3 year olds in Bangkok and Ian has made a fine start - it is also a great way for him to burn up the enormous amount of energy he has!

Two weekends ago we had a visit from our friend Sue from Singapore. We had a fun time and (among many activities) had brunch at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel, which is where we see Ian and Mom having some fun and overlooking the boats on the Chao Phya River.

We weighed Ian this last week, with him coming in at a 23 lbs. While still quite small for his age, he's very healthy and sleeps better than any parent could ever want. His is still quite behind the growth curve even for his level of prematurity, but the Doctors are not concerned. He is now also copying just about any word he hear's Mom and Dad say (so we have to be careful!) and he has mastered his 1 - 10 and the words to "Twinkle Twinkle little star". Ian also just got his first time-out at school too. In his school report he was cited as having been (to quote) "hitting another child with a plastic hammer". Oh dear Ian, what a naughty boy you have been!