Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ian's Trip to Disneyland
We are a little late posting these photo's of Ian's birthday trip to Disneyland in California, but know that he did have a great time! Ian had breakfast with many of the Disney characters and rode some of the super fast rides, including the 'Space Mountain' rollercoaster. Oh, and Mom and Dad had a great time too :-)
Next week Ian is off to Colorado to go skiing with his girlfriend Jessica.