Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Ian's Goes to Disney!
We are just back from a long weekend in Hong Kong, mainly to see our very good freinds Colin and Fiona and for Ian to see his girlfriend Jessica! This time we spent a few hours with M-I-C-K-E-Y and friends at DisneyLand and as you'll see for some of our photo's Ian got to meet some of his favourite Disney stars! Upon meeting Winnie, Ian promptly asked "Where's the Hunney!?". His favourite seemed to be Pluto, who he keeps mentioning. Ian also got to ride the Carousel with Mom, fly with Dad on Dumbo and go through The Small, Small World (yes, we're still singing the song!). Our time in Hong Kong was fun too, with lots of 'retail therapy' (as it was also Mommy's birthday) with some great dinners and some R&R. It's only 3 weeks now before Ian starts his summer vacation to Europe and the US and this week marks the last week of school too.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ian Graduates!
Yes, it's that end of school time again and this year see's Ian graduate from his 'Nursery Aboard' class and he will next year move to the 'bigger' school up the road, with lots of new exciting classes and facilities. Ian's school report was a good one this year (again!) as you'll read below. In our photo's we see Ian with Teacher Camilla walking onto stage to collect his graduating certificate and some happy shots of Ian with Mom and Camilla too. We are proud parents today of our wondeful little boy, who is growing up oh-so-fast!


Self-Help Skills Ian enjoys being independent; he always uses the bathroom and washers his hands unassisted. During snack time he makes sure that he has tissues and his water bottle. He can put on his shoes by himself.

Gross Motor Skills Ian enjoys and is confident at jumping from heights, climbing and swinging through the playground. He is completely fearless. He is learning to do a unassisted ‘roly-poly’ in Baba-Grow and to throw and catch a ball correctly.

Fine Motor Skills Ian is our champion at threading beads onto a string faster than anyone. He has become more confident in cutting out shapes with little or no assistance. Ian is learning to hold his pencil and paintbrush correctly.

Language Skills Ian’s vocabulary has grown enormously since the beginning of the academic year. He is very confident in his speech and can pronounce very well. He has excellent communication with his teachers and classmates.

Listening Skills Ian thoroughly enjoys story time and has a great memory for recalling all the details of the story read. Ian listens well to instructions. However, he may occasionally need encouragement to retain this focus to the task at hand.

Academic Skills Ian has progressed enormously this year. He can now recognize colours and shapes. He is working hard to remember what we have been covering in class. Ian can recognise his own name, and is able to trace it without any assistance. Ian thoroughly enjoys school.

Most Favourite Activities Cutting out shapes and cutting up paper are Ian’s favourite activity at school. He also enjoys Baba-Grow sessions and Music and Movement class with Teacher Air. He loved making and eating banana muffins in cooking class.

Most Favorite Activities Ian loves to swim but generally enjoys all of the activities on offer at school. He keeps himself busy by playing with a wide variety of toys and puzzles.

Saturday, June 06, 2009

Happy June
We are between trips away but Ian has still been busy. He is off to Hong Kong in two weeks, but since going to Singapore last month Ian has said goodbye to his girlfriend Katrina who has now returned to Serbia. Our best wishes to Michael, Natasha and Katrina on a safe and happy return home. This was their last photo together - and know that Ian misses Katrina!

Ian spent this past weekend having family fun at the Oceanarium in Bangkok. It's a place he's been to before but each time is something new and exciting. This time Ian got to watch the Scuba diver feed the fish in the massive fish tanks - you can see Ian with the diver in our photo! And of course a happy family photo taken of us all at the beginning of our fun day. Ian also got to see a 4D movie, hence the attractive glasses that Ian and Mom are both wearing! To round off our weeknend, Ian also got to have brunch at the Four Seasons Hotel, which is where we see him standing next to the spice cart at one of the hotel's restaurants.