Ian Karl

Known to his parents-to-be as "Bumper", Ian Karl was born eleven weeks early after his Mom, Barbara developed Preeclampsia. Ian was born on January 22, 2006 and started his life in the new born intensive care unit (NICU) at the local hosptial. Ian Karl's Blog Site follows Ian's journey through his time at the NICU, to his home coming and beyond.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Tuk Tuk's are fun!
Anyone familiar with Bangkok will know that Tuk Tuk's are a popular form or transport - and much more fun than a regular taxi! Dare we say it, but Ian loves to ride in them and occasionally we take him on one (when he is good!). Last Sunday was one such day and we 'tore' through the streets on our way home from a fun day out. As usual Ian isn't content with just riding on the Tuk Tuk but he had to sit in the rivers seat. We also see Mom and Ian with the wind in their hair! And finally Ian in one of his other favorite places at the moment - the play center at Central World Mall. Mom & Dad have to drag Ian (literally!) from this place as there is too much to do and so many balls to play with. Ian and Mommy head to Ireland next week, so we'll not see Ian on the Blog until early October but we'll have plenty of photo's to share then.